One of the most well-liked foods in Turkey is kokoreç. This meal is made deliciously by various street food establishments and vendors. However, the opening of Ozzies Kokoreç in Taksim; significantly changed things in this regard. Ozzies Kokoreç’s journey, which started in 1968, has been passed on from generation to generation and continues successfully. Ozzies Kokorec, which is located in Asmalmesçit, has a contemporary and distinctive ambiance. Also their all products are very delicious.
You must make a reservation in advance and specify your menu preferences in order to eat here. Kokoreç are made ahead of time because the preparation process takes a while. The menu offers dishes such soup, ring-shaped kokoreç, and uykuluk kokoreç. Products from the butcher and deli are also presented in Ozzies Kokoreç. Their meat and sausages are delicious. In addition to all of them, you can also buy homemade drinks, spices and sauces from here.